Bender Fortress

Bender Fortress

Technical Documentation and Project Development for Bender Fortress, Moldova
Agri-social Business, Chakuishi (part 1)

Agri-social Business, Chakuishi (part 1)

Chakuishi: Kolwezi (DRC) Social Business, Project Design
Agri-social Business, Kyma Kyetu (part 1)

Agri-social Business, Kyma Kyetu (part 1)

Design socio-economic transformation in Angola through agricultural revitalization
Social-Health sector Development

Social-Health sector Development

Creation of a Strategic Development Plan, Italy
Organizational Model Review

Organizational Model Review

A comprehensive strategy for a long-term review of the foundation model, Rome, Italy
Health Emergency Service

Health Emergency Service

Collaborative Efforts to develop a Masterplan for Urgency Health Service and Medical Emergency, Lybia
Wind Farm

Wind Farm

Full feasibility study for the development of a wind farm in Somaliland
Onshore Receiving Health Facility

Onshore Receiving Health Facility

Space planning and biomedical equipment design, onshore accomodation camp, Cape Three Points, Ghana
Social Enterprise Start-up Support

Social Enterprise Start-up Support

Technical Assistance to CUK Cooperative in Kigali, Rwanda
Oral-solid drugs plant

Oral-solid drugs plant

Pre-feasibility study for the development of an oral solid drugs production plant, Kampala, Uganda
Auto-disable syringes Plant

Auto-disable syringes Plant

Pre-feasibility study for the development of an auto-disable syringes production plant, Kampala, Uganda
Cancer treatment Hospital

Cancer treatment Hospital

Cancer treatment Hospital Feasibility Study

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